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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Farmers and rural entrepreneurs told the House Committee on Small Business on Wednesday they’re often unaware of federal government resources intended to support them.
President Joe Biden is slowing down the regulatory process in order to give his new executive team time to review pending or recently issued Trump administration rules. He also issued an executive order requiring review of a wide range of health and environmental regulations.
Lawmakers are calling on the Trump administration to finalize long-stalled regulations that would prevent dairies from moving cows between organic and conventional herds.
Some activist groups and small-farm advocates seem to dislike anything that qualifies as a “big” agribusiness – especially those who sell crop protection chemicals. But they are increasingly being met by leaders who are openly trying to address their concerns.
American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall kicked off his organization’s annual meeting by showing his adulation for the new political climate in Washington.
After witnessing a presidential campaign that was big on bombast and small on concrete policy proposals, many – including ag organizations – wondered what to expect from the Trump administration’s first year in office.
WASHINGTON, June 14, 2017 - Two veterans of national regulations affecting agriculture told a dairy industry conference this week not to count on a quick end to unhelpful rules affecting the farm sector.
WASHINGTON, May 24, 2017 – The last 10 years have seen “a remarkable rise in cost and the time it takes to approve” new agricultural innovations, at least in part because of added regulatory constraints, Illinois farmer Mark Scholl, chairman of the Farm Foundation board, told a forum on food and agricultural regulations here today.