Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''china''

Katherine Tai

USTR vows to resolve EU trade spats, but largely mum on China

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai promised lawmakers Wednesday that work has begun to work out trade disputes with the European Union and the UK to create what President Joe Biden calls “a united front of U.S. allies,” but she largely left questions about China unanswered as the U.S. continues to study the situation.

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US - China flags

US lawmakers look to trade to counter China’s strength

Lawmakers, lobbyists and farm groups are anxious for the Biden administration to take its first concrete steps to begin negotiating international trade agreements and reform at the World Trade Organization to improve international access for U.S. goods as well as rein in China’s expanding global influence.
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China’s corn imports seen hitting new record high

China's corn imports will likely hit a record-breaking 28 million metric tons for the 2020-2021 marketing year as the country restocks its domestic reserves and deals with rising demand for livestock feed, according to the Beijing office of USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service.
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Rural broadband

Daybreak March 31: Scott: Debt relief unrelated to reparations

Some advocates of the newly-enacted debt relief provisions for minority farmers have called it a form of reparations. But House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott, who is African American, strenuously objects to that characterization. He says the $4 billion just makes up for the fact that white farmers primarily benefitted from the billions of dollars in recent farm payments.

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Chinese flag

No end in sight for status quo in US-China ag trade

The U.S. ag sector really wants to know what’s coming next for the tenuous trade situation with China, but farmers and ranchers may have to settle for the status quo in the near future as the Biden administration takes its first steps toward dealing with the communist country.
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