Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Farm Bill''


Opinion: Consumer interest in cannabinoids grows

In this opinion piece, Nathan Sukhov, Manager of Rogue Origin, addresses the issue of the hemp industry and the FDA's position on CBD while divulging how raising the allowable THC threshold in the hemp plant and its products could improve the quality of hemp-based products to affect the industry positively.

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Opinion: The right policy at the right time

In this opinion piece, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn "GT" Thompson explains how he plans to prescribe a cost-neutral process to make changes in the Thrifty Food Plan in a new farm bill that will be developed by his committee before Memorial Day.

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Opinion: Congress: It’s time to put the pocketbook power back in the hands of rural landowners

In this joint opinion piece, Lesley Jantarasami, managing director of the Energy Program at the Bipartisan Policy Center, and Maya Solomon, senior director of policy and advocacy at the American Forest Foundation, advocate for the Rural Forest Markets Act, and its benefits of creating a voluntary carbon market for family forest landowners.

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