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Articles Tagged with ''Mexico''


Senators losing patience on Mexico-US GM corn spat

The U.S. and Mexico continue to engage over Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s threat to ban genetically modified corn imports, but there were strong signs from senators Wednesday that patience is wearing thin on Capitol Hill for a resolution.

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US Mexico Border

USTR: Mexico must change its stance on GM corn

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Monday reinforced USDA's position that Mexico’s proposed restrictions on genetically modified corn would still break its commitments under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, despite Mexican proposals to soften the rules.

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Alexis Taylor talking.JPG

Taylor: US tells Mexico biotech corn restrictions won’t stand

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack made it clear to reporters earlier this month that the U.S. is not satisfied with Mexico’s latest offer to compromise on its plan to restrict biotech corn imports, but the Biden administration has also sent that message to Mexico City as talks between the two countries continue, says Alexis Taylor, USDA’s undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs.

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Farmer combining rice

US rice farmers are losing Mexico, their largest foreign market

Up until recently Mexico counted on the U.S. for nearly 100% of its rice imports, but that’s no longer the case. Countries like Brazil now find themselves at a price advantage to the once-dominant U.S. and they’re taking advantage of the situation at a rate that has the USA Rice Federation concerned that members are losing their largest and most reliable market.
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