Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Katherine Tai''


US-Japan beef success leading industry to push for more

The Japanese tariff on U.S. beef has dropped gradually from 38.5% in 2019 to 23.3% this year as a result of the three-year-old U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement, a prime example of the kind of free trade agreement the U.S. ag sector and some lawmakers say they want to see replicated.
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U.S. and Japan flags

Japan agency agrees to widen access to US ethanol

The U.S. is going to be able to export a lot more ethanol to Japan if the country implements a new federal rule published by the country’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, according to statements released Friday by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. lobbying groups. 

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US confronts Brazil over ethanol tariff

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai told lawmakers last week she is putting Chief Agriculture Negotiator Doug McKalip in charge of working with Brazil to end its tariff on U.S. ethanol and now McKalip is preparing to go to there as U.S. tensions remain high over the barrier preventing U.S. exports.
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Lawmakers want action on Mexico’s anti-GM corn

Lawmakers express relief that the Biden administration is taking the first steps toward a formal USMCA challenge to Mexico's planned ban on genetically modified white corn, but they stress they don’t want extensive delays that could harm U.S. corn farmers.

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