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Articles Tagged with ''EPA''

Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan.

Senate Ag committee poised to push PRIA bill

WASHINGTON, May 11, 2017 - The Senate Agriculture Committee plans to move a bill reauthorizing the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act “in a matter of weeks,” committee chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said following a hearing on the PRIA legislation today.
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RFA asks EPA to provide regulatory certainty

As EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt considers rulemaking for the Renewable Fuel Standard in 2018, the Renewable Fuels Association asks that he stay on track and consider congressional intent, allowing the industry to plan and implement appropriate strategies.
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Agribusinesses seek delay in endangered species evaluations

WASHINGTON, April 20, 2017 - Three agribusinesses have asked the Interior and Commerce departments to stop analyzing the effects of three widely used organophosphate insecticides on endangered species, arguing that EPA evaluations provided to the agencies have overstated the risks of the chemicals to wildlife and that the process used by federal agencies to analyze the risks of pesticides to endangered species is deeply flawed.
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