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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
Environmental and farm groups are readying comments on a Natural Resources Conservation Service rule that seeks to clarify when producers have wetlands on their farms.
The Senate Agriculture Committee scheduled a Nov. 28 hearing on three nominations for top positions at USDA: Mindy Brashears to be undersecretary for food safety; Naomi Earp, to be assistant secretary for civil rights; and Scott Hutchins, to be the department's chief scientist.
Rice producers wanting to enhance current conservation efforts have until March 2 to apply for a special Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) led by the USA Rice-Ducks Unlimited Rice Stewardship Partnership.
(This is the fifth article in our new Agri-Pulse series, “The Seven Things You Should Know Before You Write the Next Farm Bill.” Each segment provides important background and “lessons learned” that can help inform and stimulate debate before formal work starts on writing the next farm bill.)
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2017 – As members of Congress meet to consider budget proposals and annual spending bills, a group of 59 farm, environmental, credit and young farmers organizations circulated letters today – urging them to “protect crop insurance and recognize its central importance to farmers, lenders and all of rural America.”