Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Environmental Protection Agency''

Biden at Iowa state fair 2019

Daybreak Nov 9: Biden transition: Priorities include 'climate-smart' ag

President-elect Joe Biden is moving forward with his transition with promises to move on his climate proposals that involve farmers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Over the weekend, the president-elect went live with a transition website - - that includes a summary of Biden’s top policy priorities, starting with getting COVID-19 under control.
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EPA narrows protections from pesticide spraying

The Environmental Protection Agency has narrowed a rule to protect individuals from pesticide spraying by establishing one 25-foot “Application Exclusion Zone” for all ground spray applications and limiting AEZ’s to the boundaries of the agricultural establishment.
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Andrew Wheeler makes dicamba announcement

EPA OKs dicamba use for five more years

Dicamba applications on soybean and cotton will come with a cutoff date next year and require larger buffer zones to avoid off-target drift, the Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday in approving new five-year registrations for the herbicides.
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