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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
USDA’s new program to expand broadband service in rural America is getting a fresh infusion of cash even as the department has delayed the application process for the first round of grants and loans that appear to be in high demand.
The National Farmers Union wants crop insurance protected in the new farm bill, with one member saying "crop insurance is our last resort" following severe drought in western North Dakota.
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall and National Farmers Union leader Roger Johnson joined ranks on stage at NFU’s annual convention Sunday to build awareness of AFBF and NFU's joint campaign, Farm Town Strong (FTS), against opioid addiction in rural America.
When President Donald Trump signed the new tax reform package into law on December 22, the first call for many farmers and ranchers was to their accountant with a multitude of questions.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2017 – In addition to usual suspects like renewable fuels and farm bill policy, members of the National Farmers Union will be dipping their toes into one of the hottest legislative pools in Washington this week: the health care debate.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2017 - The House plans to finish work this week on a giant, eight-bill appropriations measure as lawmakers look to set up negotiations with the Senate on a fiscal 2018 budget agreement.
WASHINGTON, August 30, 2017 - A group called Family Farm Action has been launched to lobby for the interests of family farmers and against “multinational agribusiness monopolies that are destroying rural economies and way of life.”
WASHINGTON, April 12, 2017 - As President Donald Trump weighs the merits of keeping the United States in the Paris Agreement, the National Farmers Union (NFU) is urging the administration to maintain U.S. commitments ...
WASHINGTON, Mar. 27, 2017 - Congressional Republicans are trying to pick up the pieces this week after the spectacular failure of their health care reform effort.