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Friday, March 28, 2025
A bill to expedite permitting for broadband projects on federal land easily cleared the House Natural Resources Committee Wednesday, cheering advocates of rural broadband.
Livestock producers and environmental groups will be taking a close look over the next few months at Bureau of Land Management proposals that would give states more authority to manage greater sage grouse populations.
An Obama-era rule aimed at cutting methane pollution is under review as the Trump administration “unleashes” American energy with deregulations in the energy sector.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, 2017 - The House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources heard testimony on a discussion draft of the “Opportunities for the Nation and States to Harness Onshore Resources Act.”
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, 2017 - The Bureau of Land Management should look at ways to open more greater sage-grouse (GRSG) habitat to oil and gas development as it re-examines the plans it adopted two years ago to avoid listing the bird under the Endangered Species Act, says a report delivered to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 8, 2017 - There’s a major new farm bill proposal on the table. The National Milk Producers Federation is recommending a series of changes to the Margin Protection Program to ensure dairy producers have a better shot at getting payments under the plan.