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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Sara Arsenault has joined the Almond Alliance as its new vice president, overseeing state and federal advocacy and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has elected Adán Ortega as the new chairman of the board of directors.
The Imperial Irrigation District and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California have settled a legal conflict over emergency drought plans for Colorado River allocations.
Coastal cities and farming regions can maximize supplies by teaming up. And it could help with critical infrastructure funding and upgrading water trading policies.
Policy experts hope a new era in collaborative management will offer inspiration for the ongoing and complex negotiations over Colorado River allocations amid a historic and deepening drought.
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The board for the Metropolitan Water Authority of Southern California, which handles water imports to the Los Angeles region, voted this week to reduce its cost share for the Delta tunnel project.
A PPIC report finds partnerships between water agencies in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California could help balance water budgets and bolster drought resilience.