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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
As the presidential primary season kicks off this week, President Donald Trump will use his State of the Union message to try to sell the public on the strength of the economy and the progress he's made on trade policy.
California Farm Bureau Federation President Jamie Johansson discusses the importance of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act and why Congress needs to pass it.
Lawmakers return from the Thanksgiving break with a long to-do list important to agriculture that includes keeping the government funded and potentially debating the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, all of which is competing for attention with the House impeachment battle.
Farmers nationwide could be forced sometime soon to start ensuring the eligibility of all new employees using the federal E-Verify system, which current agricultural users say is so flawed that many undocumented applicants can easily get around.
House Democrats are about to attempt something that Washington hasn’t been done in over three decades: Enact immigration reforms that would give farmers better access to foreign workers while offering legal status to their existing employees.