WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2015 - The Department of Energy (DOE) will sponsor several booths at the La Galerie center during the Conference of Parties 21st annual meeting (COP-21), which is also being called the international climate conference, in Paris. The booths will showcase leading-edge technologies that have been helped by DOE’s national labs, applied energy programs, the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) and other commitments to research and development.

Technologies include:

  • A 3D-printed Electric Vehicle (EV) Shelby Cobra from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

  • A hydropower turbine designed for “low-head” areas like canals, rivers, and other lower-flow areas from Natel Energy.

  • A 3-D printed model of the Transient Test Reactor, a one-of-a-kind testing facility at the Idaho National Lab that will support advanced reactor development.

  • A solar concentrating PVMirror solar system, designed by Arizona State University, which combines photovoltaic (PV) solar system with concentrated solar in one unit.

  • A small modular reactor designed by NuScale, in Oregon, that demonstrates the advanced nuclear energy technologies being developed to provide clean energy options.


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