WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2012 - 162 agriculture groups asked Congress to
support new farmers through farm bill programs yesterday in a letter addressed
to ranking members of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees. A number of national level groups are included among the signatories,
including NSAC, NFU, NFFC, Rural Coalition, American Sustainable Business
Council, National Young Farmers Coalition, Intertribal Agriculture Council,
National Latino Farmers and Ranchers Trade Association, Hmong National
Development, Inc., National Wildlife Federation, National Immigrant Farming
Association, and Union of Concerned Scientists. The letter
stresses the importance of a number of 2008 farm bill programs, including the
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and the Outreach and
Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Program. Though both
are included in the passed Senate and House Committee versions on the 2012 Farm
Bill, their funding will not continue if Congress is not able to reach a
legislative compromise by the end of the year. “These two programs are uniquely situated to help
new agricultural producers,” the groups wrote. “The programs enable
community-based organizations and educational institutions to provide and
strengthen local training and assistance efforts that support new farmers and
ranchers. Considering the broad diversity of agriculture and regional
variability this decentralized approach is smart and practical.” The full letter and list of signatories can be
accessed here.
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