MODESTO, Calif., Oct. 22, 2012- The Western United Dairymen board of directors voted Friday to advance a bill in the California legislature that would adjust whey value in California in coordination with other states. 

According to WUD, the bill would align the whey value in the California 4b formula with the regulated minimum price for whey found in surrounding states.

Five sitting members of the California legislature who pledged their desire to help WUD advance price relief for California dairies addressed the board during its Friday meeting.

“Too many of our dairy families have fallen victim to a milk pricing formula that has failed to capture adequate revenues for producers in the face of extraordinary feed costs,” said  WUD President Tom Barcellos, noting that the WUD repeatedly petitioned the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) for relief.

“California dairy families are very concerned about their future and have been voicing those concerns,” he said. “The WUD board of directors is committed to finding a solution that works for all of the industry. We find that our avenues to a better cheese price are blocked leading us to a single lane. That single lane leads us to the California legislature.”

WUD is in the process of crafting language to effect the change and organize support in Sacramento for the legislation.


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