U.S. beef exports reached $902.4 million in May, the highest level since June 2023, while pork exports trailed the previous May in both volume and value.

The U.S. Meat Export Federation cited strong beef sales to Mexico, Taiwan and countries that are part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for the increase in exports.

Beef export value was 3% above last year's and the highest in 11 months. The total volume was 110,133 metric tons, down 5% from a year ago.

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Japan contributed significantly to market growth and demand, according to USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “The tourism boom has provided a much-needed lift for Japan’s foodservice sector, and it is a source of optimism for buyers and importers.”

Pork exports were down 4% from May 2023 by volume and 2% by value. 

“Pork shipments to Mexico trended a bit lower in May, but that’s following a record April performance,” Halstrom said. “Even so, export value to Mexico still topped $200 million. Despite the slight decrease in Mexico, Korea showed continued strength for another month, and demand continues to grow in Central America and the Caribbean.”

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