President Joe Biden said producers represent the “best of America” in a proclamation celebrating National Ag Day Tuesday.

Biden hailed “generations of American farmers, farmworkers, fishers, ranchers, foresters, and all those who work around the clock to put food on our tables and steward our Nation’s lands,” for their “pride in community, love of family, and work ethic and strength that power our economy and help feed the world.” The proclamation went on to highlight the administration’s farm policy efforts, including work to address consolidation in the sector.

“It is simple: American agriculture feeds our families and powers our economy. National Agriculture Day is about celebrating the strength and tremendous contributions of our nation’s farmers and ranchers and making sure communities too long left behind have real reason to feel a new sense of hope and pride,” Biden proclaimed.

Biden was just one of several administration officials to issue statements. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack recognized the multifaceted role producers play in the rural economy and cited their efforts to address climate change using a variety of conservation practices.

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“From a pandemic to trade wars and global conflicts, the agricultural supply chain has faced many challenges in recent years. For perhaps the first time, many Americans realized in a tangible way how important agriculture is to our everyday lives,” he said in a statement. “At such a critical moment, USDA is proud to stand alongside U.S. agriculture in the spirit of this year’s National Agriculture Day theme, ‘Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.’”

EPA Administrator Michael Regan marked the day by recognizing the “invaluable contributions of America’s farmers and ranchers to our nation and the world.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to our agricultural producers, not only for delivering abundant food, feed, fuel and fiber, but also for their efforts to ensure clean water, clean air, healthy soils, and nature-based climate solutions,” he said.

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