More than $3.3 million worth of cocaine was found in a shipment billed as a truckload of Persian limes after a search by Customs and Border Protection officials.

According to CBP, officials at the Otay Mesa, California, facility south of San Diego were alerted by a K-9 unit examining a commercial tractor-trailer driven by a 42-year-old driver bearing a valid border crossing card that was referred for additional screening. CBP officers who searched the vehicle ultimately discovered 158 suspicious packages found to be 435 pounds of cocaine disguised by lime wrapping paper.

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“Rain or shine, our officers work tirelessly to ensure our communities are free of these dangerous drugs,” Rosa Hernandez, port director for the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, said in a statement. “I’m proud of the efforts our officers make day in and day out.”

According to CBP, subjects in the case have been turned over to Homeland Security Investigations for further processing. The vehicle, trailer and drugs were seized by CBP officers.

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