The California Farm Bureau had a leadership shakeup at its annual meeting on Tuesday, removing Jamie Johansson as president and electing Shannon Douglass to replace him. The farm bureau announced the results on social media but has yet to issue a statement.

Douglass has served as vice president since 2017, the same year Johansson became president. She runs a beef cattle ranch in Orland with her husband and grows walnuts, corn and forage crops. She found her way to agriculture through 4-H, the Young Cattlemen’s Association and California Women for Agriculture, where she built relationships with other rising leaders.

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The move comes as the farm bureau gears up for 2024 policy battles. The Legislature will return to several contentious water bills next month and the farm bureau is jumping into an expensive debate over a new tax proposal on the ballot. California is also in the national spotlight, as more of the state’s policies find their way to other states and to the federal administration.

The bureau elected a women as president hours before the Almond Board’s new female leader, Clarice Turner, took the stage for the first time at its annual conference.