The California Department of Food & Agriculture will provide a $1 million grant to the California Association of Pest Control Advisers to better assess the decision-making process surrounding Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Pest Management (SPM) in the field.

Starting in January of 2024, 200 Pest Control Advisers will be selected and provided financial incentives to collect data and complete the program. Those PCAs chosen to participate in the grant study will utilize a special, private version of Telus Agronomy’s Record Keeping Suite. Data collection is anonymous and only details the crop, commodity, and county.

This study will focus on a narrow set of crops, including grapes, lettuce, pistachios, and tomatoes, and data will be utilized by CAPCA, CDFA, and the University of California Integrated Pest Management Department (UC IPM) to better inform continuing education. 

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“For many years, CAPCA has witnessed the decision-making process of our regulators and legislators in Sacramento centered around SPM,” said CAPCA President and CEO Ruthann Anderson. “This grant will allow the PCA industry to provide data-driven information surrounding the ongoing and long-standing practice of IPM and SPM in the field.” 

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