A new report says the U.S. organic produce sector grew its sales by 3% in 2022, but volume slipped as food prices forced consumers to pay more for grocery store staples. 

The annual State of Organic Produce report from the Organic Produce Network shows a 3.7% volume decrease last year. Overall produce sales, including conventional and organic, increased 7.3% on the year, but volume fell 1.3%. 

Organic produce sales in the U.S. topped $9.4 billion in 2022, with berries and packaged salads being the most profitable options with sales topping $1.56 billion and $1.55 billion respectively. Organic onion sales grew 15.4%, the biggest increase in the report followed by cucumbers (11.3%) and potatoes (10.7%).

Herbs and spices, and grapes were the only crops to increase by both sales and volume.

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Cucumbers led the price premium percentage report, with organic prices 138% higher than conventional counterparts. Celery stayed on the opposite end of the spectrum, with the lowest premium of 22%, declining from 32% in 2021. 

The Organic Produce Report highlights 20 of the leading category performers in organic produce. 

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