USDA will award up to $224 million in FY2023 to new McGovern-Dole priority countries: Cameroon, Haiti, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka and Togo.

The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program aims to reduce hunger and improve literacy, especially for girls, in low-income, food-insecure nations worldwide. The program is the largest global donor to school feeding efforts by providing U.S. agricultural commodities, funding and technical assistance to those most in need.

Selected priority countries “demonstrated significant need, a national government commitment to school feeding programs and shared views on global food security, agricultural sustainability, and key international initiatives,” the USDA said in a release.

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Pregnant and nursing women, infants and preschoolers are the target recipients of funding. Programs focus on providing school meals, teacher training and support to boost school enrollment and academic performance while improving children's learning capacity before they enter the classroom. 

The McGovern-Dole cooperative agreements provide a five-year funding commitment with programs conducted by nonprofit charitable organizations, cooperatives, the United National World Food Program and other international organizations. Priority country selection is based on per-capita income, literacy and malnutrition rates. A full list of active programs can be found on the Active McGovern-Dole Projects website

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