CDFA is now accepting grant applications from people interested in its Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Program, and its Proactive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Solutions Program. The goal of the BIFS program is to fund on-farm demonstration and evaluation of innovative, biologically based farming systems that employ integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. The goal of the Proactive IPM Solutions Program is to anticipate exotic pests likely to arrive in California and to identify and test IPM strategies that can be quickly implemented if the pests are detected. Both programs are administered by the agency’s Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis (OPCA).

OPCA received a one-time appropriation of $2 million for BIFS as part of the 2022-2023 budget.
Applications for funding are due by 5 PM PST, October 31, 2022. Detailed information on the BIFS program, including the application process and requirements, is available at

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OPCA received a one-time appropriation of $1 million for Proactive IPM as part of the 2022-2023 budget. Applications are due at 5 PM PT, October 31, 2022. Detailed program information, including the application process and requirements, is available at

A public information workshop will provide details on the BIFS and Proactive IPM Solutions grant programs. It will be held via Zoom on Monday, September 12, 2022, from 10 AM to 11 AM PT. Register at:

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