The Department of Agriculture is giving interested parties through the end of August to submit their applications for a new pilot program aiming to support biobased product development.

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Tuesday the new $10 million effort to encourage the making of products with lower carbon footprints and that use renewable agricultural materials.

“This pilot program is a critical part of USDA’s commitment to enhancing the circular economy and providing additional revenue streams for farmers,” Vilsack said in a statement. “This program will help farmers take field residues and waste products and turn them into value-added products that create wealth and drive economic development in rural areas.”

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The program, authorized by the 2021 infrastructure bill, will issue grants ranging from $2-5 million via USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture; the bill directs USDA to partner with “not less than one institution” on the program. Eligible entities include certain universities and private sector partners.

USDA plans to hold a webinar on the program on July 14; applications for funding are due Aug. 31.

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