Looking for the latest insights on the ag economy, farmland values, export projections, new market opportunities and climate-smart policies? The Ag Outlook Forum provides a great opportunity for you to catch up quickly.
“This is a great opportunity to hear from leading experts about what to expect for local, domestic and international markets in the months ahead,” says Bob Petersen, executive director of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City. “Plus, participants will have a chance to network with top agribusiness and trade association leaders from across the country.”
Presented by the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and Agri-Pulse Communications, the 2021 Ag Outlook Forum will be held in downtown Kansas City on September 20, 2021. Both in-person and virtual options are available here.
Here are the confirmed and invited speakers for the September 20 event:
- Secretary Tom Vilsack, U.S. Department of Agriculture (invited)
- U.S. Senator Jerry Moran, R-Kansas
- Seth Meyer, Chief Economist, USDA
- Tim Bettington, Executive Vice President and President, U.S. Operations and Global Customer Experience, Zoetis
- Jackson Takach, Chief Economist, Sr. Director Strategy, Research & Analytics, Farmer Mac
- Scott Gerlt, Economist, American Soybean Association
- Katelyn McCullock, Director & Senior Agricultural Economist, Livestock Marketing Information Center
- Laura Peterson, LWP Consulting; Advisor, Indigo Ag
- Rick McNary, Founder, Shop Kansas Farms
- Tim Lust, CEO, National Sorghum Producers
Meeting logistics:
- The event will be held at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown, 200 West 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64105
- Registration starts at 8:00 a.m.
- The program begins at 9:00 a.m. and concludes with a networking reception at 3:30 p.m.
- Take advantage of early bird registration: Members: $145 ($175 after Aug. 20); Non-Members: $180 ($205 after Aug. 20); Virtual Attendees: $100 ($125 after Aug. 20). To register, click here.
- The event will follow all state and local directives and health measures. Review the COVID-19 guidelines for the Kansas City Marriott Downtown.
Sponsors are: Platinum: FCS Financial and Farm Credit Services of America Gold: Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, Kansas and Missouri Corn, Kansas and Missouri Farm Bureau, John Deere, United Soybean Board, and Woodruff; Silver: AdFarm, Dairy Farmers of America, Husch Blackwell, Kansas State Master of Agribusiness, MFA Incorporated, National Crop Insurance Services and National Pork Producers Council; Bronze: Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, Farm Journal, Farmer Mac, Farmers National Company, Kansas Livestock Association, Livestock Marketing Association, Metropolitan Community College, Missouri Agriculture, Missouri Soybeans, and University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources.
About Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City: The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City is an association that advocates growth and awareness of the food, fiber, agri-science and related industries in the Kansas City region. Established in late 2003, the Council's mission is to enhance greater understanding about this important industry by joining together Kansas and Missouri agricultural organizations, agribusinesses and other key leaders. This alliance includes more than 300 individuals, businesses and organizations associated with the extensive agricultural and food industry.
About Agri-Pulse: Agri-Pulse is the most trusted source for farm and rural policy information in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, CA, providing a balanced perspective on a wide variety of issues including the farm bill, nutrition, trade, labor, food safety, water, environment, biotechnology, organic, conservation and crop insurance. Agri-Pulse publishes a subscription-only e-newsletter, the Agri-Pulse Daily Harvest early morning news summary, Agri-Pulse Daybreak, Agri-Pulse DriveTime podcast, and breaking news on www.Agri-Pulse.com.