New research indicates that a microscopic algae ("microalgae") could provide a complete and sustainably sourced supplemental diet to boost the nutrition and health of managed honey bees. Agricultural Research Service entomologists Vincent Ricigliano and Michael Simone-Finstrom recently published their results in the journal Apidologie.  They found the microalgae Arthrospira platensis (commonly called spirulina) has a nutritional profile that is rich in essential amino acids and lipids required by bees, with levels matching those found in tested pollen samples, and also contains prebiotics that support the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

"Our work is a pioneering first look into the nutritional and functional properties of a single microalga and how well it corresponds to what is needed in a complete pollen substitute for the honey bee," explained Ricigliano.

Spirulina is a part of family of blue-green algae, which are single-celled organisms that exist individually or in chains or groups. Microalgae can be sustainably grown on a large scale with a minimal amount of water and few chemical inputs, the researchers noted.

"All it takes are shallow ponds, nutrient salts and sunlight to produce highly nutritious microalgae," said Ricigliano.

Poor nutrition in honey bees is often an underlying factor in colony losses because malnutrition amplifies the detrimental effects of parasites, pathogens, and pesticides, they note. Commercial beekeepers have become increasingly reliant on artificial pollen substitute diets to nourish colonies during periods of pollen scarcity as well as to bolster colony size before they fulfill pollination service contracts.

Currently available commercial diets for bees usually incorporate a variety of ingredients such as soy, yeast, wheat, lentils and milk proteins in an effort to supply balanced nutrition. These artificial diets are sometimes deficient in essential macronutrients, micronutrients, or antioxidants.

"So the need to scientifically improve the efficacy of pollen substitutes can be considered vital to modern beekeeping and we need to think about how we can do it in a sustainable way," Ricigliano said.

Now, the researchers are testing the microalgae diet in a field setting to make sure the diet is attractive to bees and supports colony growth. The excellent nutrition profile of spirulina suggests that there are likely other microalgae that could serve honey bees well, Simone-Finstrom pointed out.

"We have also begun development of new microalgae strains to address other aspects of bee health, including targeted nutrition strategies," Ricigliano added

"Our work is a pioneering first look into the nutritional and functional properties of a single microalga and how well it corresponds to what is needed in a complete pollen substitute for the honey bee," explained Ricigliano.

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