Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a two-term governor of Iowa who now leads the dairy industry's export efforts, on Saturday endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president.

The endorsement is a boost to the Biden campaign ahead of Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses Feb. 3. Vilsack (shown above) and his wife, Christie, scheduled campaign stops with former Vice President Biden and his wife, Jill, in Des Moines and Knoxville, Iowa, later Saturday.

“He remains committed to rebuilding the middle class in all parts of our country including rural, small town America,” Vilsack wrote in a USA Today op-ed. 

Earlier this year, Vilsack said he would make it a priority to help “anyone who asked” about understanding rural policy.

Biden unveiled his plan in July that would include a rural economic development strategy to give young producers the right tools they need to “live, work and raise the next generation in rural America.”

In the op-ed, Vilsack said  he was proud all the candidates put out “extensive, comprehensive and thoughtful plans” to improve rural areas.

“Their efforts will ensure that our nominee will have much to say during the general election about a rebuilt rural economy,” Vilsack wrote.

From Nov. 30-Dec. 7, Biden will begin a “No Malarkey” bus tour across Iowa hitting 18 counties to meet with caucus goers across the state. He currently has 26 campaign offices and around 110 paid staffers on the ground in Iowa.

After leaving USDA in January 2017, Vilsack became president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council.

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