Eligible producers can now sign up to apply for Market Facilitation Program funds from USDA’s Farm Service Agency. The application is one-page front and back and USDA estimates it will take about 30 minutes to complete. But producers will have to report their entire production, so submitting the paperwork will have to wait until finishing harvest. Payments will be calculated based on USDA’s established rates for certain commodities multiplied by 50 percent of their certified production. The decision to offer payments on the other 50 percent will be made later this year. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will also administer a food purchase and distribution program to purchase up to $1.2 billion in commodities unfairly targeted by unjustified retaliation. Additionally, USDA has begun accepting proposals for the Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP), which will provide $200 million to help American farmers find and access new markets for their products. In total, USDA plans to authorize up to $12 billion in programs. For more details, click here.