PORTLAND, ORE., Oct. 11, 2017 - Portland General Electric Co. (PGE) has become the fifth utility in the western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM). The union is the result of two years of preparatory work and coordination between the Oregon utility and the California Independent System Operator (ISO). Formed in 2014, EIM is the only multistate real-time energy market in the West. The system produces low-cost, carbon-reducing energy through efficient dispatch of renewable resources. “The real-time energy market supports its participants by offering access to low-cost energy regardless of their location, a tool to help meet clean energy goals and boosts grid reliability – so it is a win-win for everyone, including consumers,” said Steve Berberich, ISO president and CEO. Future EIM participants include Idaho Power and Canada’s Powerex, which will enter the market in April 2018, followed by Seattle City Light, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the Balancing Authority of Northern California/Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 2019, and Salt River Project in 2020.

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