Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Outlook Forum 2021


Ag Outlook Forum

September 20, 2021

Kansas City Marriott Downtown
200 West 12th Street, Kansas City
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

With skyrocketing commodity prices, drought conditions spreading across many parts of the country and export markets booming, there is a lot of concern about U.S. farmers being able to produce anything close to “normal” yields. At the same time, the Biden Administration is working to retire at least 4 million more acres and put more conservation on 30% of working lands. How will all of these various factors influence farmers, agribusinesses and the overall farm economy? The annual Ag Outlook Forum is your first chance to get a comprehensive preview of what lies ahead from leading experts. Presented by the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City and Agri-Pulse, this “must attend” event brings together USDA’s Chief Economist and other industry experts to share key insights on existing and new market opportunities.

  View the complete program here.  

Click on the images below to watch the speakers.

Senator Moran  Tim Bettington  Tom Vilsack

Ben Fargher  Ag Econ Panel  New Markets Panel

Sponsors include:


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BCLP Logo    KS and MO Corn Logos


KS and MO Farm Bureau Logos    KS and MO Farm Bureau Logos


USB Logo  Woodruff Logo


Ad Farm Logo  DFA Logo

 Hush Blackwell Logo  K-State Logo 

MFA Logo  NCIS Logo




Edge Logo  Farm Journal Logo

 Farmer Mac Logo  Farmer National Logo 

KLA Logo  LMA Logo

MCC Logo  MO Department of Ag Logo

MO Soy Logo  MU Logo