House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn Thompson, R-Pa.

Thompson diagnosed with prostate cancer

House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn “G.T.” Thompson has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the Pennsylvania Republican said Tuesday.

In a statement, Thompson said the diagnosis followed a routine physical and subsequent tests.

“While this diagnosis is a surprise, I feel well, and I will continue my work representing the people of Pennsylvania's 15th District,” Thompson said in the statement.

Thompson was first elected to Congress in 2008 after nearly 30 years as a therapist, rehabilitation services manager, and nursing home administrator. A longtime member of the House Agriculture Committee, Thompson assumed the chairmanship of the panel in January and has been leading House efforts to draft a new farm bill. In the statement, he said he appreciates “both prayers and privacy during this time.”

“Anyone who’s worked with me knows I am a person of faith as well as an eternal optimist, both of which will guide me as I undergo treatment,” Thompson said. “I am grateful to my medical team, my family, everyone I work with and represent in Congress.”

Thompson's Senate counterpart, Ag panel chair Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., responded to the news from Thompson's social media account by saying she was "sending [Thompson] all of my best thoughts and prayers."

"I know you will get through this with flying colors," Stabenow said. 

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