Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.
Flooded corn

RMA implements prevent plant changes

December 9, 2020

USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced Dec. 2 it would require farms nationwide to follow the “one in four” requirement for prevent plant coverage.

According to a release, changes kicked in Nov. 30 making it mandatory for producers receiving prevented planting coverage to plant, insure and harvest acreage in at least one of the four most recent crop years. Before the new provision, only producers in the Prairie Pothole region had to meet the requirement. 

RMA said it modified prevented planting coverage to “ensure that producers’ prevented planting payments adequately reflect the crops producers intended to plant.”

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The agency also is altering the beginning and veteran farmer and rancher program to allow participants with farming experience on newly acquired land to use the Actual Production History of the previous producer on that land. Producers who intend to do so, however, must first obtain permission from the previous producer on that land.

“These improvements are the result of feedback from producer groups and other stakeholders,” RMA Administrator Martin Barbre said in the release. “These changes will improve prevented planting coverage and the beginning and veteran farmer and rancher program for years to come.”

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