White House notifies Congress TPP is coming

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12, 2016 – The White House took an important procedural step toward putting the Trans-Pacific Partnership before Congress, one day after Hillary Clinton made clear that she would oppose congressional approval of the trade pact during a lame duck session.

The U.S. Trade Representative’s office posted a “draft statement of administrative action” on Friday, a procedural requirement of the Trade Promotion Authority legislation that was enacted in 2015.

The 36-page document includes a detailed explanation of what will be in the implementing legislation, which would make necessary changes in U.S. law to comply with the agreement. The document also describes the administrative actions that will be needed for compliance with the TPP.

The implementing bill itself can’t be submitted to Congress until at least 30 days after release of the draft statement of administrative action. The White House has not said when the legislation will be released.

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Republican congressional leaders have ruled out a vote on the TPP during a lame duck session of Congress. Donald Trump has promised to withdraw from the TPP. Clinton has said she would renegotiate it. 

“I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I oppose it now. I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as president,” she said in an economic policy speech in Michigan on Thursday.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee said Clinton's remarks were her “strongest words yet against the TPP.”
