United Nations' Momentum for Change award winners announced

WASHINGTON, Nov. 4, 2015 - The Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activity Award, spearheaded by the UN Climate Change secretariat, spotlights 16 innovative, scalable and replicable examples of what people are doing to address climate change and wider economic, social and environmental challenges. Winning initiatives from around the world were announced last week. The award’s areas of focus include Urban Poor, Women for Results, Financing for Climate Friendly Investment and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions.

Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), says that showcasing these solutions strengthens efforts to accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon, highly resilient development path and mark a turning point in the sustainable management of planet Earth.

Momentum for Change is implemented with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation, and operates in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative.


Pay-as-you-go energy systems for rural homes
Azuri PayGo Energy combined solar and mobile phone technology to bring clean energy to people living in SubSaharan Africa. The payasyougo solar home system provides eight hours of emissionfree lighting each day and enough power to charge mobile phones.

A network of electric vehicle express charging stations
ChargePoint’s Electric Vehicle Charging Corridors, the world’s largest EV charging network, provides the charging stations, mobile app and the network that allows people to charge their cars wherever they go.

A carbon-asset-backed loan to protect forests and produce cocoa
Deforestation-free Cocoa project follows a ‘payment for performance’ model: farmers receive financing on the condition that they won’t deforest further, will restore 4,000 hectares of degraded land in the buffer zone with cocoabased agroforestry systems, and that a share of revenues from cocoa sales will go to investors. 

Sustainable growth support in emerging cities
Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative creates planning tools and action plans to put Latin American cities on a low-carbon, highly resilient pathway.

ICT solutions to build resilience
The Enabling Farmers to Adapt to Climate Change project uses a set of ICT tools to collect, analyze and send out agricultural advisories, crop and livestock market information and weather data to Ugandan farmers, who are among the most affected by the impacts of climate change. 

New jobs that keep e-waste out of landfills
The Ewaste: From Toxic to Green initiative trains waste pickers in India to collect electronic waste, such as computers and mobile phones, for safe disposal and recycling.

A phone that improves lives and the environment
Fairphone is a Dutch social enterprise that builds sustainable and conflictfree smartphones.

Emissions reduction in manufacturing
Fostering Cleaner Production, an allwomen leadership alliance, helps to transform Colombia’s highly polluting construction industry into a cleaner, greener business.

Generate income using geothermal waste-heat
Women from rural communities in El Salvador increase their incomes and tackle climate change through a unique project called Harvesting Geothermal Energy that uses waste heat and steam condensates from nearby geothermal plants.

An online water management platform
Grundfos Lifelink Water Solutions provides access to safe, sustainable and affordable water to people in developing countries.

Prepare for risk using online spatial tools
Mapping Exposure to Sea Level Rise is an ICT solution that helps Pacific Island countries prepare for and adapt to sea level rise brought about by climate change.

Transform corporate culture by putting a price on carbon
Microsoft’s internal carbon fee holds its business units financially accountable for their carbon emissions. It’s a financial model that puts an incremental fee on carbon emissions associated with the company's global operations for data centers, offices, labs, manufacturing, and business air travel.

Power homes with solar energy
Mobisol Smart Solar Homes is a rent-to-own service that lowers the barrier to buying solar home systems upfront by allowing customers to pay the system off in 36 monthly installments.

Establish women-led groups that protect forests and generate income
The Planting Trees to Save the Mangrove initiative is run by women-led cooperatives in Guinea, who reduce the deforestation of mangrove wood and cut emissions by introducing solar driers to dry and smoke fish.

Use the sun to empower women farmers
SELF’s Solar Market Garden project combines solar-powered pumps with drip irrigation systems to provide for the reliable, year-round, production of high-value, nutritious produce. This allows girls and women to reallocate their time to educational and economic pursuits, rather than having to haul water long distances.

Reduce emissions while securing access to safe drinking water
Solvatten Solar Safe Water Heater is a dual water treatment and solar water heating system that is tackling climate change and improving lives in Kenya’s urban slums.


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