
Sen. Lugar’s energy bill signs up a star supporter: Energy Sec. Chu

Sen. Lugar’s energy bill signs up a star supporter: Energy Sec. Chu

By Jon H. Harsch

© Copyright Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Washington, June 9 – The “Practical Energy and Climate Plan Act of 2010” introduced by Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN) Wednesday got welcome support in a letter from Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

Despite Lugar’s acknowledgement that his bill would achieve less than “half the President’s 2020 greenhouse gas emissions goal,” Chu wrote Lugar that “I appreciate your ideas for reducing America’s oil dependence – which has taken on greater urgency as a result of the BP oil spill. I also commend your focus on energy efficiency, which as you have noted is the fastest, cheapest route to our energy and climate change goals.”

Chu’s letter, however, went on to make the point that the administration wants more: “I continue to believe that to fully capitalize on these opportunities we need comprehensive legislation that puts a price on carbon and makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy. From Germany to China, countries around the world are moving aggressively toward clean energy technologies and we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines.”

Significantly, Lugar’s bill does not include a price on carbon. But Dr. Chu’s letter may be a sign that the administration remains interested in reaching across the aisle to work with Republican Senators like Dick Lugar.

The full text of Sec. Chu’s letter reads:

June 9, 2010

The Honorable Richard Lugar
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Lugar:

I welcome your introduction today of the Practical Energy and Climate Plan Act of 2010.

In particular, I appreciate your ideas for reducing America’s oil dependence – which has taken on greater urgency as a result of the BP oil spill. I also commend your focus on energy efficiency, which as you have noted is the fastest, cheapest route to our energy and climate change goals. Even as we focus on efficiency, we also need a broad approach that includes building the next generation of nuclear power plants, deploying technologies to burn coal more cleanly, significantly expanding renewable power generation and a host of other clean energy technologies.

Moving to cleaner energy sources is both an environmental imperative and an enormous opportunity to create jobs and industries that will power our economy in the coming decades. I continue to believe that to fully capitalize on these opportunities we need comprehensive legislation that puts a price on carbon and makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy. From Germany to China, countries around the world are moving aggressively toward clean energy technologies and we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines.

I thank you for your contribution to this vital effort. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the Senate to pass comprehensive energy and climate legislation. Moving to a clean energy future is in the interests of all Americans, and it should not be a partisan issue.

Steven Chu

To read more about Sen. Lugar’s “Practical Energy and Climate Act,” go to:

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