White House launches initiative to help boost rural exports

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2014 – President Obama directed the administration today, working through the White House Rural Council, to lead a new “Made in Rural America” export and investment initiative.

The initiative is charged with bringing together federal resources to help rural businesses and leaders take advantage of new investment opportunities and access new customers and markets abroad.  

Specifically, the president has instructed the council – in coordination with the Agriculture Department, the Commerce Department, the Small Business Administration, the Export-Import Bank, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, and other agencies – to commit to connecting more rural businesses to export information and assistance through a comprehensive strategy including the following specific commitments, to be provided over the next nine months:

  • Host five “Made in Rural America” regional forums dedicated to promoting rural exports by providing rural leaders and businesses with information about federal and other resources available to help expand exports. Working with local partners including the National Association of Counties (NACo), the Delta Regional Authority, and the Appalachian Regional Commission, these export-focused regional forums aim to help rural businesses take advantage of new market opportunities by providing training on the basics of exporting, accessing federal support, and participating in major trade events and trade shows across the country, as well as overseas trade missions.
  • Convene an “Investing in Rural America” conference to connect major investors with rural business leaders, high-level government officials, economic development experts, and other partners.
  • Host training sessions to equip local USDA Rural Development staff in all states and territories with the tools they need to counsel businesses on export opportunities and resources.
  • Provide enhanced export counseling for rural businesses to connect with foreign buyers through the Commerce Department’s U.S. Export Assistance Center trade specialists in more than 100 domestic locations and in collaboration with USDA field staff.
  • Coordinate across the administration to promote rural-produced goods and services at trade events including trade missions, buyer programs, trade shows, and other promotion programs.
  • Educate local leaders on the importance of rural exports in partnership with NACo and through the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee in order to connect the leaders with federal resources and information to better support rural businesses to develop their potential for exporting.
  • Use the BusinessUSA online platform to better connect rural businesses with export and investment resources and coordinate support from across the federal government. BusinessUSA was launched last year to serve as a “one-stop-shop” that matches businesses and entrepreneurs to the full range of services and resources available to them at every stage of development.


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