House Ag Committee member McIntyre to retire in 2014

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2014 – Rep. Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, a farm bill conferee and one of Washington’s last Blue Dog Democrats, will not be running for reelection next year, according to numerous reports.

McIntyre’s district – North Carolina’s 7th – is one of the most conservative in the country currently represented by a Democrat. In 2012, the race between McIntyre and his Republican challenger was the closest of the election cycle, decided by just 654 votes. All signs, then, indicate the district will be a clean pickup for the GOP, which hopes to solidify its lead in the House of Representatives in 2014.

McIntyre, 57, is currently the second highest-ranking member on the House Agriculture Committee after serving in Congress for 17 years.

McIntyre’s office did not respond to email messages requesting comment.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., is also retiring this year, the Washington Post reported today. McCarthy was elected to Congress in 1996 as a champion for gun control after her husband was killed in a mass shooting on a Long Island commuter train. In June, she announced she had a treatable form of lung cancer.


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