The Organic Center moves to DC and combines efforts with the Organic Trade Association

WASHINGTON, September 5, 2012— Effective Sept. 1, The Organic Center is combining efforts with the Organic Trade Association (OTA) and relocating its headquarters from Boulder, Colo., to Washington, D.C. The Organic Center will remain an independent non-profit 501(c) (3), but now will be under the administrative auspices of OTA.

“By combining efforts under one administrative umbrella, we will gain overhead efficiencies and improve access to government and foundation grants,” said Board Chair for The Organic Center Mark Retzloff. “Our enhanced collaboration with allied groups in D.C. will stimulate greater research and increased information to the public to convince them of the benefits of organic.” 

During the transition, The Organic Center will be governed by an interim board comprised of five OTA Board members and four Board members from The Organic Center. This board will appoint an independent Board of Trustees to govern the Center going forward, and re-establish its cross-disciplinary Scientific Advisory Board.

In addition, Christine Bushway, OTA’s Executive Director, will assume leadership responsibilities for The Center in partnership with The Center’s independent Board of Trustees. A search is underway for a new Director of Science Programs to coordinate ongoing research initiatives.


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