Roberts criticizes Senate for not considering House disaster bill

WASHINGTON, August 2, 2012- Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., ranking member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, criticized the Senate for not considering the livestock disaster aid package passed by the House earlier today.

“I am outraged the Senate Democrats left town without even considering the House passed disaster package,” Roberts said. “They are playing politics with a devastating drought. Make no mistake – the consequences of Senate inaction on this historic drought will not only be felt at home in Kansas, they will be felt in rising food prices at dinner tables across the nation.

“Livestock producers need assistance now,” said Roberts, whose entire state is declared a disaster area. “We should have passed the House bill today. This inaction should be recognized for what it is: political and irresponsible.

“This is shameful and is an abdication of our duty to the cattlemen and women that feed the world,” Roberts said.


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