Pelosi calls for quick farm bill passage

Washington, July 19, 2012 – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi urged quick action on the 2012 farm bill in response to a letter from 46 groups, including the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. She asked GOP leaders to bring the bill to the floor before the August recess so that the legislation could be signed by President Obama before the current measure expires on September 30th.  

“I join Democrats and Republicans and dozens of groups – representing farmers, ranchers, the faith community, nutrition advocates, scientists, environmental and conservation organizations – calling for swift action on the farm bill,” Pelosi said in a statement accompanying the letter. “Inaction by the Republican congressional leadership means that disaster assistance will expire at the very time when we are experiencing the worst drought in 50 years; rural America is already facing the termination of livestock and crop assistance in the midst of this crisis.  Inaction means economic, nutritional and employment crisis throughout our rural communities.

“In 2008, House Democrats led the way in passing what Collin Peterson has called, ‘the best Farm Bill in the history of our nation.’  Now, we must again pass a Farm Bill that invests in local communities, strengthens rural America, and creates jobs. 

“There are, of course, a diversity of views that exist about specifics in the Farm Bill,” she wrote. “For example, I cannot support the cuts to the food and nutrition programs.  But, these differences are all the more reason to bring the bill up under an open rule that allows for debate and amendments and move us to a conference with the Senate. 

“Let’s debate the farm bill now before the August recess, make the necessary changes, and get a good bill to the President’s desk before September 30th that protects our farmers, provides access to nutritious food, and creates jobs.” 

To read the full letter click here




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