Senate passes Farm Bill

By Sarah Gonzalez and Kristin Merony

WASHINGTON, June 21, 2012- The Senate passed the “Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012” today with a 64-35 vote after voting on 73 amendments this week from a list of more than 300 submitted. 

“It’s what can happen when we break the logjam of partisanship and work together to get something done,” said Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Pat Roberts, R-Kans., immediately after the vote today. 

"Although there will be differences between the Senate approach and our own, I hope my colleagues are encouraged by this success when we meet on the 11th to consider our own legislation,” House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., said in a statement today. 

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., said the success of the bill stems from what the leaders the of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees  drafted last fall for the Supercommittee, and noted that that the approximately $23 billion in savings is within what the four committee principals put together, despite several changes in the Senate amendment process.

The changes include the approval of Sen. Saxby Chambliss’s, R-Ga., amendment to tie conservation compliance to crop insurance and Sen. Charles Grassley’s, R-Iowa,  payment limits amendment limiting market loan gains and loan deficiency payments under the Agriculture Risk Coverage program to under $75,000. Additionally, Tom Coburn, R-Okla., successfully included an amendment to reduce premium subsidies by 15% for farmers or legal entities with adjusted gross income above $750,000.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., said after the bill’s passage today that “tying crop insurance to conservation compliance is not something we should do. That’s a fix that has to happen here.”

Of the seven amendments the senators considered Thursday before the bill’s passage, the two that passed include Sen. Coburn’s, R-Okla., non-germane amendment setting an allowance for political convention funding and Sen. Patty Murray’s, D-Wash., amendment adding a section to commission a report on the effects of defense and nondefense budget sequestration.

Despite his dissenting vote on passage of the bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor that the farm bill “has been handled with respect of the norms and traditions of the Senate,” calling the process “one of the finest moments of the Senate in recent history in terms of how you pass a bill.”

Roberts, who said in the past three years, the Senate has not been operating under regular order, noted that the process included amendments from senators they knew were not going to vote for the final bill, because “they have a right to offer an amendment, that is what the Senate used to be about.”

“Maybe we have done something special here in signaling to the American people that in the middle of a tough election year we can actually get something done,” he added. 

Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., noted, “I hope our friends in the House see what we’ve done.” 

The House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to begin consideration of its version of the farm bill on July 11. Stabenow emphasize her confidence in Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., and Ranking Member Collin Peterson, D-Minn., to “move a bill through committee,” before the most significant hurdle to passage on the House floor.

The 35 dissenting votes in the Senate included:

Ayotte (R-N.H.)

Boozman (R-Ark.)

Burr (R-N.C.)

Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Coburn (R-Okla.)

Cochran (R-Miss.)

Corker (R-Tenn.)

Cornyn (R-Texas)

Crapo (R-Idaho)

DeMint (R-S.C.)

Graham (R-S.C.)

Hatch (R-Utah)

Heller (R-Nev.)

Inhofe (R-Okla.)

Isakson (R-Ga.)

Johnson (R-Wis.)

Kyl (R-Ariz.)

Landrieu (D-La.)

Lautenberg (D-N.J.)

Lee (R-Ariz.)

McCain (R-Ariz.)

McConnell (R-Ky.)

Murkowski (R-Alaska)

Paul (R-Ky.)

Portman (R-Ohio)

Pryor (D-Ark.)

Reed (D-R.I.)

Risch (R-Idaho)

Rubio (R-Fla.)

Sessions (R-Ala.)

Shelby (R-Ala.)

Toomey (R-Penn.)

Vitter (R-La.)

Whitehouse (D-R.I.)

Wicker (R-Miss.)

Below is the list of approved amendments.

S. 3240 Amendments:

Sen. Akaka (D-Hawaii)

SA 2440. An amendment to provide loans to purchasers of highly fractionated land and to establish revolving loan funds for the purchase of highly fractionated land.

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment Approved.

SA 2396. An amendment giving the Secretary of Agriculture the authority to establish an Office Of Tribal Relations in the Office of the Secretary. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Thune

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment approved.

Sen. Ayotte (R-N.H.)

SA 2192. An amendment requiring an OIG audit before any more grants are made from the Value-added Agricultural Producer Grants program. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Coburn (R-Okla.)

Roll Call Vote: Yeas and Nays have been ordered.

Yeas – 38

Nays – 61

Amendment not agreed to.

Sen. Baucus (D-Mont.)

SA 2429. An amendment to allow for eligible livestock producers that own grazing land or pastureland that is physically located in a county that has experienced on average, over the preceding calendar year, precipitation levels that are 50 percent or more below normal levels, according to sufficient documentation as determined by the Secretary, may be eligible for assistance.

Cosponsor: Sen. Tester (D-Mont.)

Voice Vote:  

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.  

Sen. Snowe (R-Maine)

SA 2190. An amendment requiring milk marketing order reform, eliminating the use of end-product price formulas for setting prices for Class III milk and requiring handlers to report, maintain, and make available all information and records for the administration of any milk marketing order. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 66

Nays- 33

As modified, amendment is adopted.

Sen. Bingaman (D-N.M.)

SA 2364. An amendment to promote surface water and groundwater conservation by providing assistance in the form of cost-share payments, incentive payments, and loans to producers to carry out eligible water conservation practices.

Cosponsor: Sen. Hutchinson (R-Texas)


Sen. Grassley (R-Iowa)

SA 2167. An amendment limiting market loan gains and loan deficiency payments under the Agriculture Risk Coverage program for peanuts and other covered commodities. Peanuts may not exceed $75,000 and 1 or more other covered commodities may not exceed $75,000. 

Roll Call Voted:

Yeas- 75

Nays- 24

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Brown (D-Ohio)

SA 2445. An amendment to give the commodity credit corporation $12,500,000 for each fiscal years 2014 through 2017 and to fund pending rural development loan and grant applications, funding rural development, beginning and socially disadvantaged farmer and rancher programs.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 55

Nays- 44

The amendment carries.

Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.)

SA 2174. An amendment to limit categorical eligibility relating to households in which each member receives cash assistance or who receives cash assistance under a State program for food and nutrition assistance programs.

Roll Call Vote:

Yea – 43

Nays- 56

Amendment is not agreed too.

Sen. Cantwell (D-Wash.)

SA 2370. An amendment to add a section on Pulse Crop Products to the school lunch act under Title IV. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 58

Nays- 41

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Nelson (D-Neb.)

SA 2243: A State agency may use a performance bonus payment received under this subsection only to carry out the program established under this Act, including investments in technology; improvements in administration and distribution; and actions to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.'

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed too.

Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.)

SA 2172. An amendment repealing state bonus payments under the food and nutrition assistance program. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 41

Nays- 58

Amendment not agreed to.

Sen. Casey (D-Penn.)

SA 2238. The Secretary shall conduct a study of the feasibility of establishing 2 classes of milk, a fluid class and a manufacturing class, to replace the 4-class system in effect on the date of enactment of this Act in administering Federal milk marketing orders.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 73

Nays – 26

The amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Paul (R-Ky.)

SA 2181. An amendment establishing an adjusted gross income cap of $250,000 in order to receive any payment or other benefit under the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012, or any amendment made by that Act, during a crop, fiscal, or program year.

Roll Call Vote:


Nays- 84

Amendment is not agreed too.

Sen. Coons (D-Del.)

SA 2426. An amendment adding a poultry business disruption insurance policy and catastrophic disease program, including a report to Congress.

Cosponsor: Sen. Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, the amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Feinstein (D-Calif.)

SA 2422. An amendment to add a section on conservation innovation grants and payments.

Cosponsor: Sen. Boxer (D-Calif.); Sen. Kyl (R-Ariz.) 

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, the amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Alexander (R-Tenn.)

SA 2191. An amendment to make any cooperative organization or other entity that receives a loan or loan guarantee under this subsection for a wind energy project ineligible for any other Federal benefit, assistance, or incentive for the project under any other provision of law.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 33

Nays- 66

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.) for Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.)

SA 2199. An amendment to repeal the duplicative program of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act – striking the catfish language.

Cosponsor: Sen. Coburn (R-Okla); Sen. Crapo (R-Idaho); Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.); Sen. Nelson (D-Fla.); Sen. Shaheen (D-N.H.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Feinstein (D-Calif.)

SA 2309. An amendment requiring a study to determining whether offering policies that provide coverage for specialty crops from food safety and contamination issues would benefit agricultural producers. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 76

Nays – 23

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Toomey (R-Penn.)

SA 2217. An amendment to eliminate the program to provide cost-share assistance to organic agriculture. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 42

Nays – 57

Amendment not agreed to.

Sen. Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)

SA 2156. An amendment to strike the $4.5 billion in cuts to the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) and invests $500 million over ten years in fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, a SNAP program which connects our kids to our farmers, from cuts to crop insurance. 

Cosponsors: Sen. Blumenthal (D-Conn.); Sen. Boxer (D-Calif.); Sen. Lautenberg (D-N.J); Sen. Menendez (D-N.J.); Sen. Reed (D-R.I.); Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.); Sen. Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Sen. Wyden (D-Ore.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 33

Nays – 66

As modified, amendment not agreed to.

Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.)

SA 2263. To amend the access to broadband telecommunication services in rural areas program to keep spending at the current level ($25 million), striking language to double the funding.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 45

Nays – 54

The amendment is not agreed to.


Sen. Hagan (D-N.C.)

SA 2366. An amendment adding a section on greater accessibility for crop insurance, including updating the website to reflect the changes in commodity and other agricultural programs. 

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.)

SA 2262. An amendment to add the sense of the Senate that nothing in this Act or an amendment made by this Act should manipulate prices or interfere with the free market.

Voice vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.)

SA 2187. An amendment extending emergency loan eligibility to commercial fishermen for certain loans. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Brown (R-Mass.); Sen. Murkowski (R-Alaska)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.)

SA 2268. An amendment to prohibit loan guarantees for the farm bill. No loan guarantee may be provided by the Secretary or any other Federal official or agency for any project or activity carried out by the Secretary.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 14

Nays – 84

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Landrieu

SA 2321. An amendment to prohibit the use of loans for certain purposes, remove language that under current law states that any rural development project is automatically excluded from applying for a loan.

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.)

SA 2276. An amendment prohibiting mandatory or compulsory check-off programs, making them strictly voluntary.   

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 20

Nays – 79

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Feinstein (D-Calif.)

SA 2252. Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012, which provides a uniform national standard for the housing and treatment of egg-laying hens. 

Cosponsors: Sen. Blumenthal (D-Ct.); Sen. Brown (R-Mass.); Sen. Cantwell (D-Wash.); Sen. Collins (R-Maine); Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.); Sen. Lieberman (I-Ct.); Sen. Menendez (D-N.J.); Sen. Merkley (D-Ore.); Sen. Murray (D-Wash.); Sen. Sanders (D-Vt.); Sen. Vitter (R-La.); Sen. Wyden (D-Ore.)

Amendment objected to, will not be voted on.

**Wednesday, June 20, 2012**

Sen. Manchin (D-W.V.)

SA 2345 An Amendment to include national nutritional and dietary information and guidelines for pregnant women and children from birth until the age of 2.

Cosponsor: Sen. Ayotte (R-N.H.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Merkley (D-Ore.)

SA 2382. An amendment adding a provision to provide crop insurance for organic crops.

Cosponsors: Sen. Feinstein (D-Calif.); Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.); Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 63

Nays – 36

The amendment carries.

Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.)

SA 2273. An amendment to the Rural Development Title: The amount of any community grant shall not exceed 50 percent of the development costs of the project for which the grant is provided for access to broadband telecommunications services in rural areas.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 44

Nays – 55

The amendment does not carry.

Sen. Coburn (R-Okla.)

SA 2289. An amendment to reduce the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 funding for market access program provision by twenty percent, including prohibiting the use of funds for certain activities. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 30

Nays – 69

Amendment is not agreed to.

SA 2293. An amendment to impose an adjusted gross income limitation for conservation programs. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 63

Nays – 36

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Stabenow (D-Mich.)

SA 2453. An amendment to insert language on additional availability for assistance to producers of fruit crops or crops grown in a county covered by a declaration of a natural disaster. 

Cosponsor: Sen. Snowe (R-Maine)

Voice Votes:

Yeas have it, amendment agreed to.

Sen. Kerry (D-Mass.)

SA 2454. An amendment prohibiting humanitarian assistance for North Korea, but allowing for the President to declare a national interest waiver of the rule.  

Cosponsor: Sen. Lugar (R-Ind.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 59

Nays – 40

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Kyl (R-Ariz.)

SA 2354. An amendment to prohibit assistance for North Korea, which stipulates that no amounts may be obligated or expended to provide assistance under title II of the Food for Peace Act to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 43

Nays – 56

Amendment not agreed to.

Sen. Udall (D-Colo.)

SA 2295. An amendment under the insect infestations and related diseases section adding $100,000,000 to the appropriated amount. 

Cosponsors: Sen. Thune (R-S.D.); Sen. Bennet (D-Colo.); Sen. Baucus (D-Mont.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas - 77

Nays – 22

Amendment is adopted.

Sen. Lee (R-Utah)

SA 2313. An amendment to repeal the Forest Legacy Program, effectively repealing the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 21

Nays – 77

Amendment not agreed too.

Sen. Warner (D-Va.)

SA 2457. An amendment to change the language in section 6104, access to broadband telecommunications and services in rural areas, including a pilot program. 

Cosponsors: Sen. Shaheen (D-N.H.); Sen. Kirk (R-Ill.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Lee (R-Utah)

SA 2314. An amendment to repeal the conservation reserve program and the conservation stewardship program.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas- 15

Nays- 84

Amendment fails.

Voice Vote overturned: No’s have it, amendment is defeated.

Sen. Stabenow (For Sen. Schumer)

SA 2427. An amendment to make grants to States and tribal governments to support their efforts to promote the domestic maple syrup industry.

Voice Vote: on research

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Wyden (D-Ore.)

SA 2388. An amendment to facilitate the purchase of locally produced foods for the school lunch program. 

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Boozman (R-Ark.)

SA 2355. An amendment to support the dissemination of objective, scholarly and authoritative agricultural and food law research through the National Agricultural Library with no more than $1 million for each fiscal year. 

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Wyden (D-Ore.)

SA 2442. An amendment to add a pilot loan program to support healthy foods for the hungry in the amount not less than $500 but not more than $5,000.

Voice Vote:

No’s appear to have it, amendment is defeated.

Division Vote:

Yea’s have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Boozman

SA 2360. (As Modified) An amendment to change the state quality control bonuses under SNAP and direct them to the TEFAP.

Cosponsor: Sen. Johanns (R-Neb.)

Redirects funding from SNAP to TEFAP program for commodity purchases to food banks. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 35

Nays – 63

Amendment does not pass.

Sen. Leahy (D-Vt.)

SA 2204. Establishes a Rural Development Council with a federal and state-based partnership and participants as voting members in operations of the State rural development councils. Funded at $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017.

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is adopted.

Sen. Toomey (R-Penn.)

SA 2226. An amendment to repeal the biorefinery assistance program.

Voice Vote – Overturned

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas - 36

Nays – 63

Amendment is not adopted.

Sen. Nelson (D-Neb.)

SA 2242. Amends the definitions of rural area in The Housing Act of 1949.

Cosponsors: Sen. Johanns (R-Neb.); Sen. Johnson (D-S.D.); Sen. Moran (R-Kans.)

Does keep in place a program that dates back to 1990

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is adopted.

Sen. Toomey (R-Penn.)

SA 2433. An amendment to change the sugar subtitle, including establishing flexible marketing allotments for sugar and changing language relating to the administration of tariff rate quotas. The amendment also repeals the Feedstock Flexibility Program for Bioenergy Producers.

Cosponsors: Sen. Shaheen (D-N.H.); Sen. Lugar (R-Ind.)

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 46

Nays – 53

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

SA 2299. An amendment requiring a report to Congress on transportation issues regarding the movement of agricultural products, domestically produced renewable fuels, and domestically produced resources for the production of electricity for rural areas, and economic development in those areas. Also this amendment would require the Secretary of Agriculture to participate in all policy proceedings of the Surface Transportation Board that may establish freight rail policy affecting agriculture and rural America. 

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is adopted.

Sen. Lee (R-Utah)

Motion to recommit the bill back to the committe with instructions with a reduction in spending to 2008 levels so overall spending should not exceed current levels.

Move us back to 2008 levels

Cannot continue to kick the can down the road – this is a good start, cut the ten year cost of this bill by 254 billion dollars

Stabenow – strongly oppose this motion

Yeas – 29

Nay – 70

Unanimous Consent by Voice Vote:

Sen. Ayotte (R-N.H.)

SA 2195. An amendment requiring the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to submit a report to Congress on fraudulent crop insurance claims filed and benefits provided.

Sen. Blunt (R-Mo.)

SA 2246. The Military Veterans Agricultural Liaison may enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with the research centers of the Agricultural Research Service, institutions of higher education, or nonprofit organizations.

Sen. Moran (R-Kans.)

SA 2403. An amendment to up the minimum level of nonemergency food assistance from not less than 15 percent to not less than 20 percent.

SA 2443. An amendment to the beginning farmer and rancher development program to add a state grant provision to eligible entities to establish and improve farm safety programs at the local level.

Sen. Vitter (R-La.)

SA 2363. An amendment on animal welfare of common, domesticated household pets.

All agreed to as modified with the changes at the desk. 

Sen. Carper (D-Del.)

SA 2287. An amendment extending research and extension grants for the purpose of carrying out or enhancing research to improve the digestibility, nutritional value, and efficiency of use of corn, soybean meal, cereal grains, and grain byproducts for the poulty and food animal production industry.

Cosponsor: Sen. Boozman (R-Ark.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment approved.

Sen. Johnson (R-Wisc.)

Motion to recommit the bill back to committee with instructions to remove the nutrition title and resubmit it as a separate bill.

Roll Call Vote:

 Yeas – 40

Nays – 59

Motion is not agreed to.

Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.)

SA 2254. An amendment to include grants of up to $50,000 to biomass consumer cooperatives for the purpose of establishing or expanding biomass consumer cooperatives

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, the amendment is agreed to.

Reconsidering SA 2363:

Sen. Vitter (R-La.)

SA 2263. An amendment on animal welfare of common, domesticated household pets.

As modified, subject to 60 vote affirmative threshold:

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas –  88

Nays – 11

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Chambliss (R-Ga.)

SA 2438. An amendment adding a provision on highly erodible land and wetland conservation for crop insurance. This would add conservation compliance for crop insurance.

Roll Call Vote:

Yea – 52

Nays – 47

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Thune (R-S.D.)

SA 2437. An amendment imposing a limitation on premium subsidy based on average adjusted gross income above $750,000.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 44

Nays – 55

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Coburn (R-Okla.)

SA 2439. An amendment to reduce premium subsidies by 15% for farmers (or legal entities) with adjusted gross income above $750,000. The limit would start with the 2014 reinsurance year, including study on the effects of the limitation.

Cosponsor: Sen. Durbin (D-Ill.)

Payment cap for adjusted gross income

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas - 66

Nays – 33

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Chambliss

SA 2340. An amendment to allow the USDA to adjust the sugar import quota Adjustment date to February 1 from April 1.

Cosponsor: Sen. Isakson (R-Ga.)

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, the amendment is agreed to.

SA 2432. An amendment to strike language providing funding for the farmers market and local food promotion program. 

Voice Vote:

No’s have it, amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Bennet/Crapo

SA 2202. Language adjustments.

Agreed to by unanimous consent.  

Sen. Boxer (D-Calif.)

SA 2456. An amendment adding a section to restrict aerial overflights of agricultural operations only when the Administrator determines the aerial overflights are more cost-effective than ground inspection and the Agency has notified state officials. 

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 47

Nays – 47

The adoption of this amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Johanns (R-Neb.)

SA 2372. An amendment prohibiting the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from conducting aerial surveillance to inspect agricultural operations or to record images of agricultural operations.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 56

Nays – 43

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Toomey (R-Penn.)

SA 2247. An amendment establishing consumer confidence reports by community water systems. Since rural water infrastructure projects are routinely funded under the rural development programs of the Department of Agriculture, Congress should strive to reduce the regulatory and paperwork burdens placed on community water systems.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas –

Nays –

Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.)

SA 2310. An amendment adding ‘a consumers right to know about genetically engineered food’ provision, requiring labeling. 

Cosponsors: Sen. Boxer (D-Calif.)

Yeas – 26

Nays – 73

Amendment is not agreed to.

Sen. Coburn (R-Okla.)

SA 2214. Return of Previously Submitted Money for Deficit Reduction.--Any amount which is returned by the national committee of a major party or a minor party to the general fund of the Treasury from an account established under section 9008 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 after the date of the enactment of this Act shall be dedicated to the sole purpose of deficit reduction. Convention Funding.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 95

Nays – 4

Amendment is agreed to.

Sen. Murray (D-Wash.)

SA 2455. An amendment adding a section to commission a report on the effects of defense and nondefense budget sequestration.

Voice Vote:

Yeas have it, amendment is agreed to.

Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.)

SA 2162. An amendment requiring a detailed report on the impact on the Department of Defense of the sequestration of funds authorized and appropriated for fiscal year 2013.

Cosponsors: Sen. Ayotte (R-N.H.); Sen. Brown (R-Mass.); Sen Chambliss (R-Ga.); Sen. Collins (R-Maine); Sen. Cornyn (R-Texas); Sen. Graham (R-S.C.); Sen. Inhofe (R-Okla.); Sen. Portman (R-Ohio); Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.); Sen. Vitter (R-La.); Sen. Wicker (R-Miss.)

Amendment withdrawn. 

Sen. Rubio (R-Fla.)

SA 2166. An amendment to change the National Labor Relations Act for the to prohibit payment of higher wages, pay, or other compensation than provided for in the contract or agreement.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 45

Nays – 54

Amendment not agreed to.

Vote on Passage of S.3240

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas – 64

Nays – 35

Bill, as amended, passed.



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