Energy and Commerce Subcommittee focuses on green jobs

WASHINGTON, June 19,2012 -Mike Breen, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project and Operation Free Veteran, emphasized the job-creating importance of developing new clean energy sources in testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee today.

During the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing entitled, “The Federal Green Jobs Agenda,” Breen’s focused on the financial burdens and national threats associated with man-made environmental-change.

“The connection between our energy posture and the national security threats we face could not be more clear,” proclaimed Breen. Statistics presented in his testimony supported this correlation between the U.S dependence on foreign oil and the increased military spending in Iran and Russia. Over 50% of the Iran’s entire budget comes from the oil sector.

“That’s billions of dollars to build new nuclear facilities, replace centrifuges and support terrorist groups that threaten Americans and target our Israeli allies.” says Breen.

In response to these growing international threats, Breen called for a U.S commitment to clean, domestic energy sources and green jobs. The financing and economic repercussions of this “Green Job Agenda” were hot topics in this morning’s subcommittee hearing.

The written testimonies of David Kreutzer of The Heritage Foundation, David Montgomery of NERA Economic Consulting, and Kenneth P. Green of the American Enterprise Institute targeted misrepresented green job data as the main problem inhibiting the policy making of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee.

Dr. Sherlock of the Congressional Research Service addressed these discrepancies in her written testimony while also suggesting alternative means for collecting data pertaining to green jobs. She is confident that these new and improved practices could give way to better green policies and adequate renewable energy tax incentives which could create new jobs without endangering employment in other sectors of the economy.

Breen exemplified the optimism for a Green Jobs Agenda in the closing remarks of his written testimony.

 “…When Americans stand together, there is no new market we cannot master, and no technological revolution America cannot lead.”


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