G20 collaboration targets improvement in agriculture productivity growth

WASHINGTON, June 12, 2012 - G20 governments have long sought to improve international collaboration in support of a more productive and sustainable global food and agriculture system, but more work is needed.

A recent report published by OECD and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, takes stock of international collaborations which have taken place since the first food security and development plans were established at the 2010 Summit in Seoul and 2011 Summit in Cannes.

The report also calls on G20 governments to encourage more innovation, research, technology transfer and advisory services, in the global food and agriculture system and to support developing countries as they address the specific challenges they face.

The most popular indicator of land productivity is crop yield, the report notes. And crops that have not adopted biotech seed traits are experiencing a decline in yield, compared to crops like corn and soybeans.

“The average global rates of growth in yield of most of the major cereals are declining. Since the 1980s, growth in wheat and rice yields fell from 2.5- 3% to around 1%. Maize yields showed growth of slightly less than 2% over the last decade.

Regulation over institutional and market conditions was also addressed. The report advised that legislation supporting the free flow of ideas, goods and services across national borders will be essential to agricultural innovation and the adoption of more productive and sustainable solutions in the future.

“G20 governments represent a very large share of the world’s agricultural output and they have a special responsibility to ensure the global food system remains healthy and vibrant. Important actions have already been taken,” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, “and there is now an exciting opportunity to work together to identify where policy performance could be further improved. This type of voluntary cooperation is exactly what the G20 was created to do.”

Organizations that collaborated on the report are:


-Bioversity, CGIAR Consortium

-UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

-International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

-International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

-Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

-UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

-UN High Level Task Force on the Food Security Crisis

-UN World Food Programme (WFP)

-World Bank, and World Trade Organization (WTO)



Click here to see the original press release compiled by OECD

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