Agree backgrounder looks at farm policy options

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 – With farm bill hearings set to resume in the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee this week, a former chief economist for the committee outlines several different policy scenarios that could be considered in a new report from Agree: “Farm Program History and Policy Considerations.”


The AGree backgrounder was written by Stephanie Mercier and outlines the need and opportunities for change within federal farm policy, based on interviews with a panel of top agriculture policy experts.


Mercier concludes that, “In order to help determine the policy details of future farm legislation, policymakers would be well served by future analyses of both proposed and existing programs that look at a broader set of impacts than the traditional measures utilized, beyond evaluating effects on net farm income and crop prices and acreage.” These measures should include broad indicators, such as the impact on rural communities and natural resources.


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