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Agri-Pulse promotes Spencer Chase to Managing Editor

Agri-Pulse is pleased to announce the promotion of Spencer Chase to Managing Editor, effective December 1, 2018.

“Spencer continues to do great work for us, producing quality broadcasts and writing,” said Agri-Pulse editor Sara Wyant. “We look forward to having him assume a key managerial role within our growing company.”

Chase joined Agri-Pulse in 2014 as an Associate Editor, covering a wide range of farm policy issues. Since then, he has contributed to the company’s website and weekly newsletter as well as increased the quality and quantity of Agri-Pulse’s audio and video product offerings. He was promoted to Deputy Managing Editor in 2017 and began assisting in management functions for the company’s editorial staff.

“I have truly enjoyed my time with Agri-Pulse, and I’m excited to continue with the company in this new managerial role,” Chase said. “We have the largest and most experienced team of journalists covering farm and food policy in Washington, and I’m thrilled to work with them to give our audience the information they need and trust.”

Chase grew up on a family farm in South Dakota and graduated from South Dakota State University with degrees in Broadcast and News Editorial Journalism. During his time at SDSU, he was a member of FarmHouse Fraternity and sports writer for The Collegian, the campus newspaper. Chase worked as an intern for WNAX Radio in Yankton, S.D., the National FFA Organization, and Agri-Pulse before joining the company as a full-time employee. He is a member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting and serves as the organization’s east region vice president.

Chase replaces Managing Editor Daniel Enoch, who will retire from his full-time role at the end of the year.

“Dan has done a great job handling the day-to-day duties at Agri-Pulse as we’ve grown from publishing a single newsletter to multiple products covering farm and rural policy, including Daybreak, Daily Harvest, DriveTime and Washington Week in Review,” adds Wyant. “We thank him for all of his hard work and look forward to our continued relationship after he steps down from his full-time role with us.”

Chase can be reached at Spencer@Agri-Pulse.com