Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

DriveTime: Jan. 23, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The Fish and Wildlife Service delayed listing the lesser prairie chicken under the Endangered Species Act, and a former House Ag Committee chairman shares his concerns over the Waters of the U.S. rule. All that and more in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Jan. 20, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Federal officials are looking at the best way to deploy a growing pot of rural broadband funding. Hear the latest on how they're doing it and a report on cash rental rates in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Jan. 19, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Could the farm bill give Congress a bipartisan break? A discussion of that question and a look at the role of agricultural inputs in export markets in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Jan. 18, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Today's DriveTime dives deeper into the details of USDA's new organic rule and an economist takes a look at the global food supply.

DriveTime: Jan. 17, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The House Ag Committee has a new slate of Republican members. Hear who is joining the committee and get a pair of trade reports in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Jan. 13, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Today’s DriveTime features comments from the Senate Ag Committee Chairwomen Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., and also takes a look at a new report the Government Accountability Office released today.