Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

DriveTime: March 16, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack made a trip to Capitol Hill today to visit with the Senate Ag Committee. Hear the highlights from the discussion in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: March 15, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The Surface Transportation Board has approved a major rail merger, much to the chagrin of ag groups. Hear the latest on that and a House Ag listening session in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: March 14, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The nation's ag groups are making an appeal for "sufficient" farm bill support. Hear the latest on that and the return of familiar biofuels legislation in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: March 13, 2023

Duration: 5:00

South Dakota Republican Dusty Johnson plans to introduce a bill tomorrow that would tighten work requirements in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Virginia Democrat Abigail Spanberger says failing to raise the debt ceiling could pull focus away from passing a farm bill. All that and more in today’s DriveTime.

DriveTime: March 10, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack was at Commodity Classic today and made a flurry of announcements. Hear the latest from Orlando in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: March 9, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The Biden administration's budget is proposing the return of a popular cover crop program. Hear the latest on that and the EPA's efforts to see if E15 can be sold this summer in today's DriveTime.