Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024
Jim Webster

Jim Webster

Jim Webster Contributing Editor


Farm Foundation event

Regulatory lag can stifle innovation in agriculture, forum told

WASHINGTON, May 24, 2017 – The last 10 years have seen “a remarkable rise in cost and the time it takes to approve” new agricultural innovations, at least in part because of added regulatory constraints, Illinois farmer Mark Scholl, chairman of the Farm Foundation board, told a forum on food and agricultural regulations here today.
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Late selection of secretary slows naming of USDA officials

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump’s delayed selection of his new agriculture secretary not only has created consternation among his farm belt supporters and many farm group leaders, it likely will mean that filling USDA’s sub-cabinet and agency officials will take even longer than usual.
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Expert says organics, biotechnology no panacea for Cuba

Neither organic agriculture nor advanced biotechnology will solve Cubas food production deficit, a noted expert on the countrys food needs told Washington audiences Tuesday. Former World Food Prize winner Pedro Sanchez, research professor of tropical soils at the University
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