Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024


Biodiesel plant

Biodiesel industry plans to double production, reduce GHGs

The biodiesel industry wants to substantially increase its production in the next decade, but industry officials say that growth will require both new and existing feedstocks as well as consistent, long-term government support through the biodiesel tax credit and annual biofuel usage mandates.
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U.S. beef in Chinese grocery store

US beef set to finally win back China

China will be huge for U.S. beef. That’s the conclusion of U.S. negotiators and the U.S. cattle industry, but it’s going to take a lot of work to get there and the Chinese will have to come through on major promises over the next two months that were made in the “phase one” deal that was signed last week in the White House.
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