House approves bill to advance hydropower
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2017 - A bill to expedite federal reviews of small conduit hydropower passed the House of Representatives by a 402-2 vote July 18. The Promoting Conduit Hydropower Facilities Act (H.R. 2786), proposed by Reps. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., and Diana DeGette, D-Colo., will aid projects constructed as part of existing water infrastructure, such as irrigation canals and pipes that deliver water to cities and for industrial and agricultural use. “There is enormous potential in these projects to provide clean and reliable power,” ClearPath Action Executive Director Rich Powell said. Though hydropower is the nation’s largest source of renewable electricity, it is often overlooked. Small and existing man-made structures could be the best path to tapping into more power from hydroelectricity. According to a Department of Energy estimate, the potential for conduit hydropower projects could be more than all the new conventional hydropower projects built in the U.S. over the past decade.